CHMN 638: Church Growth and Spiritual Nurture - MAPTh / MDIV 2024
Olaotse Gabasiane

CHMN 638: Church Growth and Spiritual Nurture - MAPTh / MDIV 2024





Welcome to the Online course CHMN 638 CHURCH GROWTH AND SPIRITUAL NURTURE! We are glad you could join us for these two weeks of an awesome church growth and spiritual nurture transformational academic journey.

For long, church growth has been understood to mean increasing numbers of church members added to the congregations. Afterall, in Acts 2: 41-47 (NKJV), three thousand souls were added to them . . .” (v. 41) and, that is excellent! But is that all there is to church growth? Have we thought of how these huge numbers were attained? Think of the Holy Spirit, the fellowship, the breaking of the bread, the prayers, the wonders and signs that were done through the apostles, the unity, the community, the sharing, the harmony, the joy, the praise of God, and the Hand of the Lord God through the power of the Holy Spirit.

See, it is easier to focus on the numbers more than the essentials and qualities that led to those figures. Well, this course is developed to help us to have a balanced perception of numbers and the seemingly forgotten aspect of Spiritual Nurture.  With this important tool, “the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved” (v. 47).

The current focus on baptisms, membership retention, revival, and total membership involvement is crucial as we fulfill the “I WILL GO” Global Theme of the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. However, have we paused to reflect on the implications? While the increasing number of members joining the church is encouraging, the rising number of those leaving (attrition) is equally concerning. How can we address this issue?

This course aims to provide students with a transformative perspective to tackle a challenge faced by nearly every church: Spiritual Nurture and Quality Discipleship.

In this course, we will explore and deepen our understanding of God's command to make disciples. This shift in focus will guide us move beyond mere records and numbers, leading us toward fostering spiritual growth and developing quality disciples of with a high spiritual nurturing tool, who, in turn, make disciples—continuing the cycle of discipleship.

No. of baptisms, membership retention, revival, and total membership involvement (important as they are) are the current emphasis as we fulfill the “I WILL GO” General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s Global Theme. But have we taken a moment to think about it? The number of members joining the church (ascension) may be exciting but equally disconcerting, is the growing number of those the church is losing (attrition). So, how can we resolve this difficulty?

It is the purpose of this course to give the student a transforming perspective which will help resolve the challenge that almost every other church is facing: Discipleship!

It is in this course that we will examine and learn more of God’s command to make disciples. This will help us not only shift from focusing on records and numbers but also move towards spiritual growth and the incremental number of quality disciples who make disciples who make disciples . . .

Your first task in this course is to familiarize yourself with the requirements and schedule for the next two weeks. The course outline will be your guide for this. Please download it and review it thoroughly, ensuring you understand all expectations and requirements.

If you have any questions about the course content, feel free to email me. For technical issues, such as accessing links or pages, downloading, uploading, etc., please contact our Technical Support team at They are available to assist you promptly with any difficulties you may encounter.

We hope you enjoy the innovative learning experiences ahead as you grow your church through spiritual nurturing and mobilizing it into mission.


Best regards,

Olaotse O. Gabasiane, PhD

Senior Lecturer, Applied Theology Department

Adventist University of Africa